Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #13897

From: "John A. deVries II"
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 13:30:37 -0600
Subject: Speaking of oscilloscopes...

This note is one of those keep-alive things.

Still, I've got a tiny bit of news to relate. Ever since Mark Tilden let
me borrow a Fluke 123B Scopemeter several years ago I have lusted for
one. A couple of weeks ago I finally bought the 192S model which does
everything but wash the windows. There are those who will say that an
analog scope is the only way to go, but having 15 memory slots, each of
which can contain a multi-thousand point sample stream (which can be
replayed like a video tape) along with many other features definitely is
very nice.

Once the nice lady at Fotronix sends me the optical-serial interface cable
(they had sent me what turned out to be a more expensive printer interface
cable which really doesn't help me much) I'll be able to use the FlukeView
software -- something that will allow me to document the experiments with
BEAM circuits I hope to perform.

Speaking of experiments, I brought up an issue in the main list, with which
one point of which Bruce Robinson agreed B-} The point in question is
essentially that of standardization: both to ensure the likelihood of
repeatable results as well as to ensure that experimenters aren't comparing
apples with oranges.

In the main list, differences in motors was considered. However, for
example, all I seem to have at the moment are HC parts and few if any HCT
parts. There is a good chance that measurements done with the one kind
might well be sufficiently different in nature than the other as to be
inapplicable. Also, there is the question of electrical noise: if I use a
"digital experimenter's station" the power really isn't terrifically
clean. At present, I'm moving towards using an LM317T to regulate a 7.2
NiMH RC racing car battery down to 3 volts (low voltage application) or 5
volts. I reckon that although mains/house wiring noise will still be
present that it may be low enough to avoid real problems.

Does anyone have an comments on this? Should I go out and get HCT parts
because they have been recommended for general use?



p.s. the beam-heretics and NervousNvNuArchitecture groups are essentially
bogus, but I want to keep them alive as well.
