Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #13889
From: "The Hogfather"
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 20:06:18 -0000
Subject: More or less monthly keep-alive message
This is this month's installment (nearly content free!) that is
necessary to keep this group alive since they require SOME traffic
A reminder: You only really need to be a member of the group if you
wish to make new postings. Generally speaking, postings ought to be
something you consider to be of "archival" quality because we are
keeping this thing around primarily so as to retain a year's worth of
the main mailing list's messages. In other words, it doesn't do you
a lot of good to write a note here asking "how do I get my
solarengine to work" because (a) you'll find that it has probably
been answered either in this archive or that of the main mailing list
( and (b) chances are that no one will answer.
Your Friendly Hogfather