Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #13838
From: Justin
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 02:18:17 +1200
Subject: test
egroups is getting virtually no posts, and as the mail I posted to the
list has not appeared, this message (sent to egroups) is to help
indicate whether the strangeness is with egroups or the list.
13839 Tue, 25 Apr 2000 11:02:42 -0500 [alt-beam] My symet ain't movin! Ben A Micklin Hi all,
I'm a newbie BEAM 'boter', I was working late last night to get my little
Symet running, it would charge up really fast, the motor shaft would move
only a quarter inch, but then go back to it's original place, sort of
like rolling a ball up a hill, if you don't give it enough force it'll
fall back down the hill.
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13840 Tue, 25 Apr 2000 12:58:22 -0700 Re: Photopopper answers from Ben Ken Hill I was referring to the Photopopper circuit at Beam-online:
(don't click the link to photopopper, just scroll down after circuits page
loads, it's down there a ways)
or just the circuit drawing:
I see the misunderstanding now after seeing Chiu's circuit :)
Thanks, Ken
>Which schematic are you looking at? I went by the one at Chiu's site
>It doesn't show touch sensors, so I just made up what I thought would work.
>No guarantees though :-)
>>From: Ken Hill
>>Subject: Re: Photopopper answers from Ben
>>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 15:43
>> Thanks Ben! Making much more sense now!
>> [snip]
>> >> (Photopopper drawing shows the wires crossing near 1381s but not
sure if
>> >> they are connected at that junction).
>> After further study, I'm thinking that junction must be connected or the
>> PDs wouldn't have any effect on the 1381 (am I right?)
>> >>
>> >> And lastly, is the RC timer (if that's what it is?) used to keep
the motor
>> >> from firing for a while assuring the turn or what?
>> >Eh? RC networks? Where? The cap on the trigger of the 1381 is there to
>> >allow different resistances of light sensor to have some effect...
This is
>> >an RC network I guess, but only if you replace the Photodiode with a LDR.
>> >Is this what you're talking about? If so then yes the RC time
constant is
>> >affected by light, therefore the popper will be affected by light and
>> >either turn away or come towards the light.
>> [snip]
>> Oh...I saw the .22 cap and 680k resistor to ground on the feeler switch and
>> thought it was an R/C timeout for the turn action of the switch like other
>> bots I've seen have. I'm learning :)
>> Thanks again; Ken