Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #13778

From: Lee Golden
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 03:00:27 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: 1381's in Australia

I prefer to be called a
AmeriAngloSaxonCaucasioRoboDude. And my robots prefer
Electro-American... :-)

Lee Golden

--- William Cox wrote:
> Yanks....! Hey watch it Ben. Our Civil War wasn't
> that long ago. Many take
> that as an insult (me maybe). Americans. Not Yanks.
> -William

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13779 Fri, 21 Apr 2000 06:44:25 -0400 New approach to plants "R. Martin Keen" A little while ago there was a message about making BEAM more lifelike.
I think it came from the thread on water powered engines, and making a
robot that hunts its water for the engine. I think our fundamental
approach might be incorrect. In real life plants turn solar energy into
chemical. Animals eat this chemical energy for their own chemical
energy. In methods proposed so far, BEAM life takes solar, turns it into
electrical, and then to a chemical system. (aka fuel cell, water power)
to mechanical. Why bother with the extra conversion?

A plant that goes solar-electrical-mechanical might work like this:
A worm gear motor is fixed with its shaft parallel to the ground. A
vertical rod is attached to gear motor. On the other end of the rod is a
solar cell with a FLED on both sides of the cell. The wires from the
cell and FLEDs goes to a FRED engine placed near the motor. Instead of
the FRED going to two motors, each side controls one side of the
H-bridge. So, if the right FLED detects more light it leans a little to
the right. The plant will keep this up until both FLEDs receive the same
amount of light. A circuit like this could slowly track the sun like
real plants. The worm gear is needed so that the weight of the rod &
cell don't fall over. I think this is a much simplified (and slower)
version of the PSH.

Herbivores would hunt down plants and then absorb the energy from their
cap. Predators could do the same to herbivores. I have no clue to how
the hunting would happen.

My 2 cents (3 cents Canadian)

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13780 Fri, 21 Apr 2000 12:08:36 GMT The sensitivity of a 74XX240 "Jason -"
Hie all,

i have been very frustrated with all those broken chips i have ,
the problem is they are very fragile esspecially the 74xx240...the is one
time which i fried it just by connecting the wrong polarities of the chip to
a 4V i would like to know is there any special way for
me to look after them.....and will direct soldering when i am free forming a
circuit make it become bad too......thanks

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