Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #13735

From: Brynn Rogers
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 09:23:45 -0500
Subject: Re: Servo Controler

A bicore? what is that?

It looks like what you are trying to do here is switch in and out
different potentiometers. If that is your intent, then I think you
would be better off using analog buffers. An analog buffer (or switch
or multiplexer) takes a logic signal to control output. Think
of it as a tristate buffer except it passes an analog voltage when
logic 1 is put into the control, and they are tristated (high impedance)
when a logic 0 is put in.

| logic control in
analog in |\ analog out
------------| >-------

TI,Analog, and others carry parts like this. DOn't know any part numbers of
the top of my head.

It still seems like their would be a better, all digital way. You are driving
standard or modified RC
airplane servos, right? (maybe modified for continous rotation)


Richard Piotter wrote:
> Does this circuit look decent?
> 1x 74HC14 (6 inverter gates)
> 1x 74xx00 (3 NAND gates)
> 1x 74xx08 (2 AND gates)
> 3x Silicon Switching Diodes
> 3x Multiturn Potentiometer
> 2x Small Value Resistors
> 2x Capacitors
> ___
> ,----|>o--| \
> | | |o--|<--o--/\/\/---.
> | o--|>o--|___/ | ^ |
> | | |____| |
> | | ___ |
> o----|>o--| \ |
> | | | |o--|<--o--/\/\/---o
> | o-------|___/ | ^ |
> In | | |____| |
> A | | ___ |
> O--o---------| \ |
> | | | |o--|<--o--/\/\/---o
> O----o--|>o--|___/ | ^ |
> In | | |____| |
> B | | ___ |
> o---------| \ |
> | | |--. |
> '-------|___/ | ,--/\/\/--o--/\/\/--.
> | | |
> | o----|>o-----||-----o
> ___ | | |
> / |--' '-----||--o--o<|----'
> O------------| | |
> Servo \___|------------------'
> --
> Richard Piotter The Richfiles Robotics & TI web page:
> -- Make Money by Simply Surfing the Net or responding to E-Mail!!!
> -- Click below!!!

-- to see my triplets ! to see the rugged PDA on steroids that is my day job

13736 Thu, 20 Apr 2000 08:26:55 -0600 Re: Good source for solar panels, even flexible ones :) "John A. deVries II" At 06:18 PM 4/19/00 , Gabriel wrote:
>They have a pretty descent collection and some fairly good flexible panels
>for cheap.

And then there is this on one of their pages:

>This Kit is unique in that when put together can be mounted on a window
>sill and the super sensitive cells mounted on the top allows this pendulum
>motion to occur even on a cloudy day. You can place a
>photo---advertising----a smile---- or whatever you would like on the
>moving part at the bottom. This can be attractive for business or just for
>showing what solar can do as the cells create active power that runs a
>motor and swings the pendulum constantly. The motion increases and
>decreases depending on the location where you place it. You make your own
>solar panel and mount it and wire it in. You can use the housing it comes
>in or create your own such as in the photo. No batteries needed.
>Completely solar powered. Makes a neat little project for school .

Hmmmm... very BEAMish, yes? Sound familiar? (Approx. $26)

