Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #13619
To: "''"
From: Wilf Rigter
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 07:34:10 -0700
Subject: RE: Newbie question!
Sorry, 74LSxx is not compatible with the large resistors used in microcores,
bicore, Nv and Nu neurons. Use plain CMOS (4000 or 74Cxx type), 74HCxx or
74HCTxx instead. 74ACxx is best used for drivers
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 6:26 AM
> To:
> Subject: Newbie question!
> I made a microcore with 74LS14 .I used .22 micro F for caps and 1Mohm for
> resistors.I connected connected the circuit as given in M.Tilden's web
> page. I used a 5v supply.
> But all of my led's are Glowing always.
> I have used the PIN and PNC but with no use.
> I put in the whole circuit thrice.I feel dicouraged.
> Could there be a problem because I am using LS series.
> --Veeru
13620 Tue, 18 Apr 2000 10:42:51 -0700 RE: Is Tricky-Dick BEAM? "''" Wilf Rigter It's BEAM!
There is an element of appropriate technology to BEAM that applies at many
1. entry level technology - easy to learn, inexpensive, quick and
interesting results.
2. simple problems require simple inexpensive solutions.
3. simple designs can be deeply understood (unlike Intel/windoze).
4. simple systems with complex behaviour: complexity theories, emergent
properties, economics, riots
5. connections with art, technology, math, science: biology, physiology,
psychology, natural philosophy
6. design ideas based on natural systems
7. a breeding ground of ideas, discovery and invention
8. unspoiled by commercialism but
9. potentially profitable (one million "buy-me" solar
spinners/pendulums/pummers at $10 a pop can't be wrong)
and on and on ....
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeffrey D Spears []
> Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 10:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: Is Tricky-Dick BEAM?
> Greetings BeamListers;
[Wilf Rigter] --8<--
> So I asks: Is my little 'Tricky-Dick' a BEAM project?
> Jeffrey D. Spears
> University of Michigan
> College of Engineering
13621 Tue, 18 Apr 2000 20:21:47 +0200 Gold cap decharging "Beam Mailing List" "Thomas Pilgaard" Hiyall,
A friend and I are (still) on the Beam-ant, waiting for a coupla 1381C's to
go with a PM1 SE.
My question is this (lacking a multimeter) : is the discharge of - say - a
1F gold cap linear (least likely i suspect) or does the discharge - sort of
'peak' at the beginning of the discharge and then level out?
The way I figured it, the PM1 waits waits while the cap discharges below a
certain current, and the starts charging again. Am I wrong in this? If I'm
right - what would be the current level at which the cirquit starts charging
Thanks in advance
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