Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #13426
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 21:50:02 EDT
Subject: Reverser
I asked this earlier, but didn't really get a clear answer to my question.
How does one hook up a reverser to a two motor walker circuit, i've looked at
the almost complete walker, but i'm really really stumped on this one. Thanks
in advance!
not a robot scientist
not a college major
not a grad student
not a professor
not a very organized person
just Spencer (isn't that impressive enough?)
13427 Sat, 15 Apr 2000 12:27:40 +1000 beam soccer bots "beam mailing list" "David Perry"
Hi everyone,
The BEAM Robotics Soccer Project is still under way - working towards =
our target of entering Robocup 2000 and kicking some university ass (or =
maybe not). We have two new members, Elmo, and Dr. Michael Mallis.
We are developing our color detection systems and we are making some =
progress. Another robot platform design is also under way.
Elmo and I also got to got to Melbourne Uni. and check out there cool =
team, including a bunch of sony robotic dogs! It looks like we may team =
up with them to share ideas and resources too. Don't forget we also own =
Wilf, well maybe not, but he has contributed greatly. Anyway thats about =
it, any questions, comments?=20
David - Robotics @ Caffeine -BuRST + Robocup