Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #13328

From: Aaron Letts
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 19:32:30 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: motor problems (nobody knows???)

Nobonby knows this? I asked my dad and he said it may
have something to to with the motors being AC not DC.
Can anyone confirm that this is the reason why this is
happening? And what I an do to solve it?


--- Aaron Letts wrote:
> I just got 2 VCRs from the dump and I tore them
> apart.
> I got 3 motors from each. So, I made a simple
> solarengine to put on one of the ones that I thought
> was good, just to give it a try. After I was done
> when
> I was testing it, I ran into some problems. I would
> put it under the lamp, then it would go like it was
> suppose to, but it wouldn't trigger again, and it
> would make a high pitched sound. After I took it out
> of the light, then put it back in agian, it would
> go,
> but only once. It would never go twice, I had to
> take
> it out of the light, then put it back in. Why does
> it
> do this, and what can I do to fix it?... if there is
> anything at all.
> Thanks,
> Aaron
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13329 Mon, 10 Apr 2000 17:10:37 -0700 Walker "hanging" gait problems Bernard Nazari Hi All,
Well, I'm still in the midst of making my three motor walker and I've come
across a problem with the PCB that I didn't have on the proto board. I made
the PCB at home, so that MIGHT be the problem. The problem is that once in
a while, the sequence freezes on a LED. (I'm using LEDs right now and I
don't have the H-bridge/motors hooked up yet.) I was thinking that the cap
on it is not getting drained and that's why is freezes. I have checked and
rechecked for flux about a thousand times, so that's not the issue, and
neither are bad batteries. The only other thing I thought of was that the
traces ended up too thin when I etched the board and not enough current is
passing through to discharge the cap. FYI, I'm using a photo resist
positive style process from MG Chemicals. How thick do these traces need to
be? Anyway, I'm going to go get some components and try to make another
board later. Take care!
Bernie N.
DISCLAIMER: JPL now requires notice in all electronic communication
that all personal and professional opinions presented herein are my
own and do not, in any way, represent the opinion or policy of JPL.

13330 Mon, 10 Apr 2000 19:03:38 -0500 Re: m/s bicore walker Ben Hitchcock
> You could try a 0.01 or 0.022 uF cap - something across the motor
> terminals with about that sort of value should do the job.
> You _did_ put a 0.22 uF cap across the power pins on your microcore didn't
> you?
> Ben
