Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #13256
From: Ken Hill
Date: Sunday, April 09, 2000 12:39 AM
Subject: Re: Wacky ideas floating around
i saw something in my magaizine about using sound to power things. i'll get
more info later
>Anyone hear of collecting back EMF from pulsed hi-vt dc motor operation to
>recharge a battery?
>Saw some plans on a DIY "fuel less engine" (HV-cap/discharge motor) that
>is supposed to put out about 200 hp from a couple car batteries. Also
>heard that similar units are powering homes in Sweden, Switzerland, or
>somewhere over there.
>Did a little digging and there are patents on the concept!
>Problem is (quotes the plans peddler) that if this "technology" is
>introduced to the world all at once it will cause an economic disaster. So
>keep it a secret, OK? wink, wink!
>Sure wouldn't hurt anything to have a bunch of Bots running around that are
>overunity devices not needing any external power (well maybe only to
>replace the battery every few years of continual use ;)