Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #13226

From: Daniel Grace
Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2000 15:49:22 -0700
Subject: Re: WCRG? (plus info on WCRG events)

> Did this in Physical Science last year. Take two test
> tubes, and stick them down in the water. Hook two
> wires up to a power supply. Take the two wires, and
> stick them into the water, under the test tubes (one
> under one, the other under the other) and crank that
> bad boy up! To find out which is which, take a match
> to the top of one of the test tubes (block it off with
> your finger, to keep the stuff from escaping first)
> the hydrogen will emit a small pop (explosion, just
> really little). That's all there is to it, no
> chemicals at all.
> ~Daniel
> >The process is called hydrolysis. I've
> > seen it done chemically,
> > and I think it is possible to do it through
> > electrical means.
> =====
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