Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #13123

Date: Saturday, April 08, 2000 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: WCRG? (plus info on WCRG events)

>In a message dated 4/7/00 12:51:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>> Maybe one of the first, water based, BEAM bots actually was a aqua"vore".
>Sounds like an excuse to me. I've only seen one (and it was a drawing) of a
>"bot" in the BEAM games booklet and it did not consume water. I've seen
>photos of 3 others none of which worked adequately. None of them consumed
>water either. I have seen one that worked, and was sealed in a florescent
>light fixture, it also, did not feed on water. If names don't mean what
>translate to, then why use Greek at all? Why bother with correcting the
>newbie about "phototropism and photophobism"? If you do have a mechanism
>which operates on water power, I'd really love to see it, and I'm sure so
>would the Dept. of Energy.
>> But since then, "aquavore" has basically taken the name for any BEAM
>> that is made to work in the water.
>Even though it literally translates into water eater? This is just
>stubbornness and an unwillingness to change. Even if the change is to
>an error. Maybe it would go over better if someone in the inner circle
>thought of it. So be it, let the water eaters loose.
>See ya,
>ICQ# 55657870
