Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #13114

Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 13:29:36 EDT
Subject: Re: WCRG? (plus info on WCRG events)

In a message dated 4/7/00 12:51:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> Maybe one of the first, water based, BEAM bots actually was a aqua"vore".
Sounds like an excuse to me. I've only seen one (and it was a drawing) of a
"bot" in the BEAM games booklet and it did not consume water. I've seen
photos of 3 others none of which worked adequately. None of them consumed
water either. I have seen one that worked, and was sealed in a florescent
light fixture, it also, did not feed on water. If names don't mean what they
translate to, then why use Greek at all? Why bother with correcting the
newbie about "phototropism and photophobism"? If you do have a mechanism
which operates on water power, I'd really love to see it, and I'm sure so
would the Dept. of Energy.

> But since then, "aquavore" has basically taken the name for any BEAM devise
> that is made to work in the water.
Even though it literally translates into water eater? This is just
stubbornness and an unwillingness to change. Even if the change is to correct
an error. Maybe it would go over better if someone in the inner circle
thought of it. So be it, let the water eaters loose.

See ya,
ICQ# 55657870
