Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #13113

From: "John A. deVries II"
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2000 11:26:57 -0600
Subject: crab, crab, crab

At 10:38 AM 4/7/00 , Ian wrote:
> > So, is this still the "official" name for this kind of bot?
>Maybe one of the first, water based, BEAM bots actually was a aqua"vore".
>But since then, "aquavore" has basically taken the name for any BEAM devise
>that is made to work in the water.

I still assert that "aquavore" is a stupid name (I don't, however, assert
that Ian is the least bit stupid.) I mean, what does it run on? Hydrogen
fusion or something? It is sad that the list had actually stopped using
that word and now Ian (who is definitely one of the small gods) brings it
up once again in an authoritative manner. I guess we don't care that other
people won't understand us.

aquaphotovore if actually light powered, submarine if not.

However, this is all fairly unimportant and I apologize for taking up your

Crabby Zozzles
