Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #13095
From: "Robotbreeder"
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 19:40:15 -0700
Subject: fireflies
I want to make my mom a 'firefly' creature for her garden - basically the
D-1 circuit and an LED - with a stained glass 'firefly'
I remember Wilf had some 'LED pump' circuit... did it allow for higher
voltage LED's to be run from a lower voltage source..? not sure, and can't
find it.
Regardless, I'm looking for the most efficient 'charge by day, flash at
night' circuit. Since supercaps are so leaky, could 2 nicad AAA batteries
be better storage?
If anyone has had any luck with a night flasher, I'd love to here what the
setup was.