Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #13066

From: SG
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 23:27:14 -0500
Subject: Re: Almost Complete Walker (effects)

At 12:24 AM 4/5/00 -0600, you wrote:
>>If anyone wants to know how to add noise/light
>>effects (you pick the noise
>>circuit or LED or watever) when reverser
>>is trigged (on Ian's circuit) Just
>>let me know.

>Please post this!

credit goes to Bruce and Wilf for coming up with this independantly but

first connect your unused inverter outputs together.
This would be pins 3 and 7.

second, connect one of these pins to the + of your sound effect circuit,
LED, or watever

third, connect the inputs of these inverters together and then connect one
of them to ground (-) .
This would be pins 12 and 17.

fourth, connect the - of your sound effect circuit , LED or watever to
ground (-) .

thats it, werked for me.

you COULD just use one inverter (like pins 3 and 17) but if you double em
it means more power. In the case of a piezio buzzer this is translated
into more volume. (needed for "whining, whizzing" servos!)
