Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #13000

Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 06:22:04 EDT
Subject: Re: Ambler and so on

In a message dated 4/3/00 9:27:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> He
> is very impressed with Ambler, but his all time favorite is Bubble
> Bot--he is begging to go to the mall to get some vending machine bubbles
> so he can create one or two.
Hi Dave,
I'm glad your son found inspiration in my work. I have plans for a tutorial
on the Bubblebot, but haven't had the time to finish it. Hopefully, I can
have it up soon. If you run into problems, or have questions when he starts
building, don't hesitate to ask for help. Inspiring an eager young mind is
the ultimate reward. And BEAM is the first discipline that I've been involved
in that does that so well. You should be commended as well. Taking the time
to help in your son's interests is quite noble and inspiring on it's own. I
wish more father's could do that.

See ya,
ICQ# 55657870

13001 Tue, 4 Apr 2000 03:47:29 -0700 (PDT) Re: photovore (J) Evan Dudzik J is what I use

--- Verne & Catherine Rambaud
> I'm not sure if you guys received by e-mail. I need
> to know what flavor of
> 1381 CMOS is best for a photovore experiment.
> C(2.0v); E(2.2v); G(2.4v);
> J(2.7v); L(3.0v); N(3.4v); Q(3.8v); S(4.0v); and
> U(4.6v). please anserw by
> replying then putting C, E, G, J, L, N, Q, S, or U.
> replying with a
> complaint will result in months of
> can we have a pool dad can we have a pool dad can we
> have a pool dad can we
> have a pool dad can we have a pool dad can we have a
> pool dad can we have a
> pool dad can we have a pool dad can we have a pool
> dad can we have a pool
> dad can we have a pool dad can we have a pool dad

|Photovores online! |
|Evandude Dudzik |

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13002 Tue, 4 Apr 2000 06:52:53 EDT Re: photovore In a message dated 4/4/00 4:27:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> I need to know what flavor of
> 1381 CMOS is best for a photovore experiment. C(2.0v); E(2.2v); G(2.4v);
> J(2.7v); L(3.0v); N(3.4v); Q(3.8v); S(4.0v); and U(4.6v)
Depends on a few things. The J is the common choice. But, if you want more
kick, go for the N. If you want a faster kick go for a E or G. But, you
sacrifice torque. Try different combinations of triggers, caps, and solar
cell sizes. It's the only way to see the difference.

See ya,
ICQ# 55657870

13003 Tue, 4 Apr 2000 03:54:33 -0700 (PDT) Re: Ambler and so on Evan Dudzik sounds like a really kool idea, but make sure you're
ready to do the precise building it takes to build a
photopopper, and then fit it into the ball! it can be
a real challenge... but good luck!

--- David Simmons wrote:
> James V. Mullins,
> Kyle just spent the better part of an hour going
> over many of the robots
> on your web page. Jumping up and down every time a
> new picture loaded
> saying, "I want to build one of those, I want to
> build one of those." He
> is very impressed with Ambler, but his all time
> favorite is Bubble
> Bot--he is begging to go to the mall to get some
> vending machine bubbles
> so he can create one or two. I think he has plans to
> let them lose in
> the front room to drive the cat nuts. He is off
> happily planing to copy
> one or more of your design ideas over the coming
> weeks.
> He wants me to thank you for all the inspiration.
> Regards,
> Dave

|Photovores online! |
|Evandude Dudzik |

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13004 Tue, 4 Apr 2000 06:41:59 EDT Re: [alt-beam] Re: Ambler and so on In a message dated 4/4/00 12:10:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> He's nine
Nine? I'm really impressed! Most discover this hobby in their early teens.
The fact that you encourage him instead of telling him he's too young to
solder is even more impressive. My hat is off to you sir!

See ya,
ICQ# 55657870

13005 Mon, 3 Apr 2000 18:09:27 -0600 Re: Wisker Circut "Verne & Catherine Rambaud" i am about to build a photovore llike the photopopper and i need to know
what kind of 1381 CMOS flavore i need. if any will do what one is the best.
what kind of solar panel do i need to make it extra active. i also plan to
make a FRED
