Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #12966

Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 19:29:13 EDT
Subject: Re: Conductive Epoxy?

I just read the original message so if this was already covered, skip it! My
big input on this is BE CAREFUL. I know that sometimes my leads can get
dangerously close to a short. If you have you leads or any exposed bus wire
that is really close to another lead, you should use that epoxy. If you take
the suspended bicore, and put your finger of all the leads, that will goof up
to circuit enought to screw up the gate, and fingers have a lot more
resistance, at least non-sweaty ones! So just be careful when doin drastic
things like that!



not a robot scientist
not a college major
not a grad student
not a professor
not a very organized person
just Spencer (isn't that impressive enough?)

12967 Mon, 3 Apr 2000 19:33:04 EDT Re: PM-1 Thanks Thomas, i think that will help. I really don't want to use a gold cap,
because i have finicky motors that don't like 3vdc from a bicore (even
though they run straight on 3vdc!). Now what i think i may do is take either
1 or 2 10000uF caps and make the PM-1. The 10000uF's that i have are rated at
6.3 vdc, so i can use the 1381 N(or M, i cant read it!). Thanks for the help!



not a robot scientist
not a college major
not a grad student
not a professor
not a very organized person
just Spencer (isn't that impressive enough?)

12968 Mon, 3 Apr 2000 19:36:56 EDT Re: Newbie :) Welcome aboard to a hobby that drives people to the edge of obsession! Hope
you are able to get yourself started, cause once you do, i'm sure you'll be
around for a while! Thought i'd say hi!



not a robot scientist
not a college major
not a grad student
not a professor
not a very organized person
just Spencer (isn't that impressive enough?)

12969 Mon, 3 Apr 2000 19:41:29 EDT the 150 mark Just thought i'd say thanks! i'm at 139 hits and about to break the 150 hit
barrier for my web page! thanks for you visits hope you enjoy it!



not a robot scientist
not a college major
not a grad student
not a professor
not a very organized person
just Spencer (isn't that impressive enough?)

12970 Mon, 3 Apr 2000 20:16:12 EDT Re: turning who???

12971 Mon, 3 Apr 2000 20:25:47 EDT Re: Newbie :) jee thanks everyon!oh, what ? all that wasnt for me??well fine
can all bite me!j/k

ok heres the deal , some of you may have heard of paintball(if not go
to . there is a gun called the angel xsl4 .its an
electronically controlled gun that can be set to shot up to 15 balls per
seconed(yep , clinton still shoots more!:)).i was wonderinf how in the he11
could this work???

not one of tildens beams
not a gold cap
not a 22k resistor
not a cold solder joint
not spencer
Just jay-z (isnt that impressive enough??)

12972 Mon, 03 Apr 2000 19:17:38 -0700 Ambler and so on BEAM , alt-beam David Simmons James V. Mullins,

Kyle just spent the better part of an hour going over many of the robots
on your web page. Jumping up and down every time a new picture loaded
saying, "I want to build one of those, I want to build one of those." He
is very impressed with Ambler, but his all time favorite is Bubble
Bot--he is begging to go to the mall to get some vending machine bubbles
so he can create one or two. I think he has plans to let them lose in
the front room to drive the cat nuts. He is off happily planing to copy
one or more of your design ideas over the coming weeks.

He wants me to thank you for all the inspiration.

