Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #12869

From: Evan Dudzik
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 15:29:51 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Biped

yup, thats exactly the idea I had, but I dont have
enough servos!

--- Tan wrote:
> It seems that all (well, almost all :) of BEAM tech
> has focused on 4 feet, 6 feet, 1 foot (symet) etc. I
> was just wunderin why isn't there any
> bipeds?(walkers, and no wheels)
> I know it's a bit harder, but the main problem is
> just the balancing.
> So, this is my idea:
> 1. Have 2 legs,both that go up and down at diffrent
> times.
> 2. A motor to put one leg forward while its up (lets
> call it retracted) and when it's down (deployed),
> use it as the fulcrum (is it fulcrum?) to push the
> other leg forward, which is retracted and etc (I
> hope you get me :)
> 3. Lastly, another motor that drives a weight
> (preferably the batt., circuit etc) from the extreme
> left to the extreme right to counterbalance the leg
> that is retracted
> ( I also hope that this is clear)
> Anyway, with some imagination i'm sure you could
> visualise it.
> Is it feasable? I know i should have tried it out
> but i have just done the legs and i can't wait.
> (Hectic schedule)
> It does not resemble nature in that we move our legs
> to the centre of balance
> but this bot moves the center of balance TO the legs
> (If you still can't visualize it, think Mechwarrior
> III)
> If it's feasable, please help me think of a suitable
> circuit. (mebbe 8nv ucore?)

|Photovores online! |
|Evandude Dudzik |

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12870 Fri, 31 Mar 2000 18:46:22 EST [alt-beam] Re: Biped Now theres a lad whos thinkin along my lines, i've been noticing myself
paying attention to my own leg movements. Maybe i watch too much Gundam Wing,
but i think that that might be worth tackling! what you would need is two
motors per leg, a hip motor and a knee motor. The hip motor would just
occilate back and forth, opposite the other leg, exactly opposite. the knee
would go down when the leg moves back, and up when it moves foward,
master/slave bicore. my dad was telling me about an attitude sensor circuit
that he had at work, whatcha do is put this in the torso, and have a waist
motor to occilate back and forth as the attitude sensor would tell it. Arms
would be needed as a slave to the hip motors as well, the gate of these would
be affected by the attitude sensors as well, you can tell i thought way too
much about this junk! HOPE I DIDN"T CONFUSE YOU ALL!!!!! c'ya



not a robot scientist
not a college major
not a grad student
not a professor
not a very organized person
just Spencer (isn't that impressive enough?)

12871 Fri, 31 Mar 2000 18:48:59 EST [alt-beam] Re: FRED tutorial hmm...i'll have to look at that, i've got one more solar cell left till i
order more! let's see, robot 8!



not a robot scientist
not a college major
not a grad student
not a professor
not a very organized person
just Spencer (isn't that impressive enough?)

12872 Wed, 29 Mar 2000 04:33:15 -0500 Fttaba servo as motor/gearbox combo. Joe []

Maybe this subject is old news? I've been thinking about doing a Chiu
style walker, but have not found similar gear box motors. I now plan to use
three old Futaba servos, as I discovered how to modify them.
If anyone is interested in the process please let me know. I could write
up the conversion and forward it.
The main point is that they are reversable DC motors and not stepper
motors. Perhaps I'm the last one on earth to discover this ;-)

