Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #12657
From: SG
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 14:05:31 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Spam!!!!
At 07:23 PM 3/28/00 +1200, you wrote:
>2.... If Port Probes appear on regular ports as they usually do, i setup a
>little application called
>netcat, this will sit on a port and wait for someone to connect to it, then
>stuff data sown at them
>the result can cause their sniffing application to lock up, it can fill
>their browser with garbage
>or if your that way inclined and send a corrupt packet you can lock ther
>TCP/IP stack up and
>they will need to reboot to clear it.
Hey I would like that application!! Can you post it somewhere?