Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #12421
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 100 03:37:52 GMT
Subject: [alt-beam] re: Beam Motors
Thanks Robert. It was your tutorial that gave me the idea but I couldn't
remember whose it was or where to find the site. These timers are a little
different to the one you show and I don't think the same method of coulpling
the motor to the gearbox will work. It might though. I just need to play with
the parts a bit more and see what inspiration arrives.
I've taken apart a few different timers now. Some are definitely more useful
than others.
30 RPM is considered about right for a walker, right?
>Not to blow my own horn or anything, but there is a tutorial for converting
>the timers to a gearbox. Although it uses parts obtained in the US. It
>might give you ideas. It is at
> Hope it helps
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