Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #12262

From: "Ben Hitchcock"
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 21:10:03 +1100
Subject: [alt-beam] It works!

Thank you to all who responded to my vibra-popper question.

I turned the LED's (yes, clear-lensed LEDs used as light sensors) around so
that they were pointing towards the motors, not away from them, and
nominated the other side of the robot as the front. If you can't beat 'em,
join 'em I say.

Now this flat little robot is battling it out with FRED for the best place
under the desk lamp on my desk. It takes a while to charge up compared to
FRED, but it sure makes an impressive racket when it does fire!

I wonder why the motors only pull, not push? Aren't physical systems


12263 Wed, 22 Mar 2000 00:33:20 +1200 [alt-beam] Re: Aesthetics............ Justin >> First off, I'd have to say that I'm thinking gold/copper/silver-leafing
>> is the way to go. Check out a good handcraft store - there is a huge
>> range of leafing stuff availible. It's cheap, quick, and (reasonably)
>> easy. If you take the time to experiment, you can probably also get it
>> to work on designs fresh out of an inkjet - that would _rock_ and I'm
>> definitely going to look into it :-)

>Idea!! Fill an inkjet cartrage with some kind of adhesive, print your
>circuit, add foil( while it is still sticky), wait till its dry, remove
>excess foil, and have some fun with a flexi-bot!

Actually, I don't think you'll even need to do that - the stickyness of
normal ink should be sufficient for the job, the problem is that my
inkjet has fast-drying ink that is dry by the time it comes out (unless
I use plastic injet transparancies). I've used cheap inkjets that leave
wet ink for several minutes on even absorbant paper, so we probably
don't need to go so far as adhesive ink re-fills. When I get the time
(not soon), I'll try gold-leafing on inject-printed plastic. I suspect
it will work. I've done similar things with a dot matrix (belive it or
not!) - though the ink appeared dry, embossing powder would stick to it
perfectly, then you melt the powder and it sets into a metalic finish.
Unfortunately, the powder was largely plastic and not conductive :(

12264 Tue, 21 Mar 2000 04:43:22 PST [alt-beam] Re: SnakeBot Parts PACK "sebastiaan van Vliet"

I have nothing to do with snake parts!


12265 Tue, 21 Mar 2000 04:45:48 PST [alt-beam] Re: attaching solar cells "sebastiaan van Vliet"

I don't know how your message got in my box, but I have a tutorial on how to
attach the solarcells in a creative way on my page at

12266 Tue, 21 Mar 2000 04:56:14 PST [alt-beam] Re: Question about vibra-popper mechanics "sebastiaan van Vliet"
The way you describe the viration movement is not exactly correct. Basic
physics learned me that it is not the speed youm want to alternate, but th
acceleration. You should just accelerate it gently and lam it in the far
end, or accelerate it promptly and let it lose speedin the rest of its way.
If you combine bot (the first way first, and the second way if the weigt is
pulled back) you shoult be able to get it poppin'

BTW: how do I got this mail?

12267 Tue, 21 Mar 2000 04:47:13 PST [alt-beam] Re: SnakeBot Parts PACK "sebastiaan van Vliet"

I'm not iterested in your irritations


12268 Tue, 21 Mar 2000 05:06:19 PST [alt-beam] Re: ....yet again..... "sebastiaan van Vliet"
The arrows are all negative(-). You only have to apply the caps, the rest is
in the chip.


12269 Tue, 21 Mar 2000 05:09:49 PST [alt-beam] Re: Solar panel solder "sebastiaan van Vliet"

Chech my totorial at\beamnet\ideas.htm

12270 Wed, 22 Mar 2000 00:57:40 +1200 [alt-beam] Re: The future of robots Justin >If you would like to continue this discussion with
>me, send it privately to

I tried to send you mail, but it's bouncing - you might want to check
your account or ISP or something. "Failed MX lookup; try again later"

Anyway, I've stuck the message below instead:
No need to apologise - I knew what you intended and so wasn't upset, I
just wanted to point out the danger of annoyance if taken too far. A
rant, IOW :-)


12271 Tue, 21 Mar 2000 05:29:23 -0800 [alt-beam] Re: all powerful light "Droidmakr" aaron letts wrote:
original article:
> I was just wondering what the best sourse of light is
> (excluding sunlight). Do any types of light ruin the
> solar cell or anything like that? What type gives you the most punch?
> Thanks,
> Aaron
Hello Aaron,

I work for a company that developes and manufactures High Intensity
Discharge Lighting. In my experience, and that of several of my co
workers your best chioce would probly be a metal halite lamp and
ballast. These lamps produce the most sun like light that I have seen
and are available in as low as 50 watts. If you try it,I think you
would be very pleased with the results.

So long,
