Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #12134

To: ""
From: ""
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000 09:04:21 -0800
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: FRED circuit (beginner)

>I just completed the FRED photopopper circuit. I have one problem
though. I
>am feeding 9v into the circuit but either only one motor turns on or
>both just stutter...

Check a few things; are there any bad connections?
Did you forget some part of the schematic? It is also
possible that you over-heated a transistor while soldering.
I don't know, but 9v may be too much power for this
Hope that helps!


12135 Sun, 19 Mar 2000 09:19:33 -0800 [alt-beam] aquavore "" "" Check out this MIT site about a robotic pike!


12136 Sun, 19 Mar 2000 09:30:15 -0800 [alt-beam] The future of robots "" "" The server I was using to access my e-mail was
down for a long time so I stopped reading the
messages when I got to 450 out of 1200.
One thread that interested me was about the
futur of robots (and eventually mankind). I would
rather not start that whole discussion again, but
just give my two cents, a quote from Orson Welles:

"In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had
warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed --- they produced
Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the
Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love,
five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what
did they produce? The cuckoo clock!"

The best inventions come from the need to survive,
the most ominous need to survive is during war.

Please do not reply, I've heard all your opinions, I just
want to sqeeze mine in.


12137 Sun, 19 Mar 2000 11:32:32 -0600 [alt-beam] Re: HPV Tutorial! SG hi! great kit! but what about the "H" in HPV?
i see no speaker in the parts list...
am i missing something?

At 11:52 AM 3/19/00 -0500, you wrote:
> Hey all! Have fun!
>Richard Caudle
>Home ICQ - Frankendaddy
