Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #11891

From: "Dennison Bertram"
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 01:51:35 -0800
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Once more, a reminder for the Lego MotorsMini

No, they aren't worm gear. They are much to small for worm gear. For a
photovore these motors would be absolutly splendid. They can run under
direct sunlight from a single solarcell. These would be perfect for
Photovores, expecially BEAMAnt type photovores. I would proibably shy away
from using them in SE only type Photovores as the low rpm may frustrate you.
You could attach a larger wheel to the shaft as well.


Ah - someone who's played with them. Can you elaborate? I'm assuming
they're worm gears, is this part of the problem? Why would I need to
know what I'm doing? Is it because the torque a bit low for walkers? Are
the RPM's a little high? Is it that the current they need means
modifying the normal walker circuits?

While I was thinking of using them for a walker, my immediate use would
be a photovore. Say I attached a 2cm diameter wheel to the shaft, and
stuck it in a photovore with a total weight about the same a 9 volt
battery. Problems? Lots of current needed?

Thanks for the warning, but since money is a bit tight ATM, even getting
two is going out on a limb to some extent, so I thought I'd try to
prompt more info :-)
