perhaps if you put in a dark room and slowly moved the light away it might =
move to stay in the light, or have a well lit room with a cardboard box wit=
hg a hole in it. put hole over it so the little light is over the bot then=
slowly move it. try gently pushing the back of its legs. =
>Now I know why my walker is not walking :)
>I guess its decided either that this task is to belittling for its
>or that if it walks then it may stumble and fall to its death so its stayi=
>still :)
>Hmm, Punishment ... Do i take away your sunlight or hook you to the
>mains :)
content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable>
href=3D""> <
Date: =
Tuesday, March 14, 2000 4:30 PM
Subject: =
perhaps if you put in a dark room a=
nd slowly =
moved the light away it might move to stay in the light, or have a well lit=
room =
with a cardboard box withg a hole in it. put hole over it so the litt=
le =
light is over the bot then slowly move it. try gently pushing the bac=
k of =
its legs.
>Now I know why =
my walker =
is not walking :)
>I guess its decided either that this task =
is to =
belittling for its
>or that if it walks then it ma=
y =
stumble and fall to its death so its staying
>still :)
;Hmm, =
Punishment ... Do i take away your sunlight or hook you to the