Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #11670
From: Dennison I Bertram
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2000 17:24:00 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Giant circuit / botpic database site - an alternative approach
You know, it's a shame that BEAM Heretics get's so neglected. It has it's
own supply of good information, geared more towards more advanced topics,
yet it still suffers from a lack of support. Durring the rare moments in
wchich I do post information, I post my stuff there. It's easyer than
maintaining an entire website. Check it out, and support it. There's no
need for us to keep building new digest's and archives and such and such.
There's plenty around already. Besides, you'll notice once you get more
into BEAM, you stop pokeing your head around as much and become more
occupied with your own work. Lot's of people have had these digest ideas,
and various list options, but once they learned the ropes of the
'community' people learn how to get around fairly well.
On Sun, 12 Mar 2000, William Cox wrote:
> Where is it? I've never heard of it.
> -William
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2000 2:47 PM
> Subject: Re: Giant circuit / botpic database site - an alternative approach
> > In a message dated 3/12/00 2:24:19 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> > writes:
> >
> > > I think thats a good idea! However, it might be wise to just have a
> small
> > > group of webmasters
> > This is all well and good. But, I think it will fizzle like most other
> group
> > ideas. In fact, there already is a database put together by Bruce
> Robinson.
> > The BEAM Web Index has been around for quite some time. In 1999 it got a
> > little over 350 hits. Half of which are probably mine :), from checking to
> > see if new stuff had been posted. The purpose of this site was to do
> exactly
> > what you say, provide a central place for storing and retrieving all
> things
> > BEAM. But, New stuff doesn't get posted, because no one tells Bruce about
> it.
> > I mean, he will even go to your site and snag the info for you, placing
> > pointers and pertinent info about your stuff on the index. He also has
> other
> > sections that no one seems to want to take over, that would contain any
> and
> > all of the info needed. Also, most BEAM circuits that are out there can be
> > found on BEAM Online or BEAM Heretics, and a couple on Richard Caudle's
> site.
> > I really don't see why yet another site needs to be made that, again,
> won't
> > be used. If you want a database that has everything on it, talk to Bruce,
> he
> > already has the structure in place and is willing to do the work. What
> really
> > bugs me about this whole thing is that the Index has existed for about a
> year
> > and a half now and only has a little over 1100 hits. Is a new site needed
> > when existing sites are not fully utilized? Are your bots and circuits
> listed
> > on the Index? Why not? And, if you aren't supporting it, why make another?
> >
> > See ya,
> > Jim
> >
> > ICQ# 55657870
> >