Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #11624
From: Justin
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000 17:17:23 -0500
Subject: The latest websites (and Wilf's circuits)
> I've been out of the loop for a while, and I'm having difficulty
> finding the bounty of the last few months, due to my heavy reliance on
> sites like Fang's and Beam Online, which are currently in a slow period
> regarding updates. Are there other sites that now fill the same
> function?
> I'm particularly looking to see what kind of circuits have been
> developed over the last few months(/year...). I know Wilf's done some
> neat stuff, and I assume
> that other nifty, odd, esoteric, specialised, complex, simple, and
> interesting circuits have also appeared. Is there a site or group of
> sites that collect this stuff? (If it doesn't exist, a giant circuit
> site that's got all the stuff in addition to the ubiquitous 1381 SE,
> FLED SE, photopopper, and other stuff, would be a great idea, hint hint
> :-) I've got a couple of circuits that could help get it started... :)