Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #11610

Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000 15:57:56 EST
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: ARGGGGHH!!!!

Well, i finally got it to work, it seems a bit strange but it just started
working after i did some reconfiguring, turning radius is pretty big but what
can you expect from only two motors. Thanks for the insight!


11611 Sat, 11 Mar 2000 13:01:37 -0800 [alt-beam] Re: ARGGGGHH!!!! "''" Wilf Rigter To make your walker phototropic in two directions,
you need two photodiodes connected across the
master bicore timing resistor.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2000 8:26 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: ARGGGGHH!!!!
> I don't have a good picture of my circuit, but it is pretty much just the
> almost complete walker scheme with cap values changed for longer timing.
> What
> i did was add a photodiode and 1M resistor in a series parralel to the
> timing
> resistor, this however has made the bot act kinda strange and only turn in
> one direction, i've been flippin around the diodes and i cannot make this
> behavior change! i can't really explain how it behaves too well, but for
> the
> most part it only turns one direction.
> Thanks in advance
> -Spencer

11612 Sun, 12 Mar 2000 09:59:16 +1300 [alt-beam] The latest websites (and Wilf's circuits) Justin I've been out of the loop for a while, and I'm having difficulty
finding the bounty of the last few months, due to my heavy reliance on
sites like Fang's and Beam Online, which are currently in a slow period
regarding updates. Are there other sites that now fill the same
I'm particularly looking to see what kind of circuits have been
developed over the last few months(/year...). I know Wilf's done some
neat stuff, and I assume
that other nifty, odd, esoteric, specialised, complex, simple, and
interesting circuits have also appeared. Is there a site or group of
sites that collect this stuff? (If it doesn't exist, a giant circuit
site that's got all the stuff in addition to the ubiquitous 1381 SE,
FLED SE, photopopper, and other stuff, would be a great idea, hint hint
:-) I've got a couple of circuits that could help get it started... :)

11613 Sat, 11 Mar 2000 16:14:09 EST [alt-beam] Re: Pager Motor is this similar to the pinion puller used in 24 scale slot cars?

it is basically a c shaped piece of metal with a threaded center pin that is
tapered down at the end to the inner diameter of the shaft that the pinion of
the motor is on ~ when you slip the c clamp onto the shaft behind the pinion
gear you tuen the center pin twards the gear and it slips the pinion gear off
the shaft


11614 Sat, 11 Mar 2000 16:15:33 EST [alt-beam] Re: ARGGGGHH!!!! Which one would that be, is there a good schematic of a phototrophic bicore
that is for a walker?

11615 Sat, 11 Mar 2000 16:28:00 EST [alt-beam] Re: Pager Motor (slotcar motors) Hey, just how good do slot car motors work with beam, I gotsa bunch a slot
cars, with small gears, would they work well?

11616 Sat, 11 Mar 2000 13:38:40 -0800 Re: Pager Motor = =
is this similar to the pinion puller used in 24 scale slot cars?

it is basically a c shaped piece of metal with a threaded center pin that=
is =

tapered down at the end to the inner diameter of the shaft that the pinio=
n of =

the motor is on ~ when you slip the c clamp onto the shaft behind the pin=
ion =

gear you tuen the center pin twards the gear and it slips the pinion gear=
off =

the shaft


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----- Original Message -----

style=3D"BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: black">Fro=

To:" =>

Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2000 1:1=
4 =


Subject: Re: Pager Motor

is this similar to the pinion puller used in 24 scale slot=


it is basically a c shaped piece of metal with a threaded ce=
nter =

pin that is
tapered down at the end to the inner diameter of the shaf=
t =

that the pinion of
the motor is on ~ when you slip the c clamp onto t=
he =

shaft behind the pinion
gear you tuen the center pin twards the gear =
and =

it slips the pinion gear off
the =


