Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #11592

From: Evan Dudzik
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 02:22:58 -0500
Subject: a BEAM book?

> hey all...
> I would like to make a BEAM book/manual, because we
> really don't have one. I know it might sound really
> hard for me, but I found an easier way: with full
> permission from each person, I would surf all the BEAM
> sites I could find and get all the useful info. then,
> after asking each one, I would put it into a book
> format (I might modify the text some, but not too
> much)... the book would probably start right out with
> a chapter on learning electronics. Then would come
> basic BEAM theory, circuit things, etc. and then some
> info on making each type of robot (chiu's pvore
> tutorial, Miller's walker tutorial???) that there
> exists a tutorial for... then on to info on more
> complex things like mark tilden's bots... the last bit
> would be many useful circuits (ie- servo drivers,
> stepper motor drivers, etc.)... My first question is
> this: is this legal (assuming credit is given
> appropriately)??? and would others be willing to come
> up with new circuits, articles, etc. to put in it? I
> think it would be a big helper to have a BOOK rather
> than just web sites so people can learn about BEAM...
> well, thanks for reading this long-winded message...
> Evandude
> =====
> +------------------------+
> ||
> |Photovores online! |
> |Evandude Dudzik |
> +------------------------+
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