Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #11499

From: Bob Shannon
Date: Monday, March 06, 2000 9:55 PM
Subject: Re: Self-Awareness/Conciousness

>Mike Kulesza wrote:
>. In theory, by implementing a
>> nervous net WITHIN another nervous net, you actually have a robot that is
>> aware of its own existance. See, the outer net is directly interacting
>> the physical world, while the one within is only in contact with the
>> This means that the inner net is AWARE of the outer one, which is in turn
>> the PHYSICAL world. Thus the robot is AWARE OF ITS PHYSICAL EXISTANCE!!
>> Kind of sends shivers down my spine.....

the outer layer would be another step. i don't understand the difference
between this idea and stacking the uhh things in the robot. i only started
about a week ago. the transistors in the bot recieves information for the
sensors but the transistor isn't aware

>Uhhh, I have bots like this, and they are not aware of anything.
>What twisted definition of 'aware' is Hasslacher using here?
>Self awareness in the animal realm has some very simple and basic tests
>that such a BEAM system can never acheive.
>One of the most common is to place a small sticker or mark on the creature
>while its attention is diverted. Then the creature is shown its own image
>in a mirror. If it sees the sticker or mark, and removes it from its body,
>can make a claim that this animal is self aware in much the same way we
>Quite a few aminals that are vastly more 'aware' than imbedded nv nets fail
>this sort of test (mice fail, cats pass, etc).
