Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #11402
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 17:18:26 EST
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: lobster
Well, maybe motors aren't the best locomotion for robots. If we are talking
biological, lets talk muscle wire. We could also drop the whole solar thing
and make a bot that would actually live off its surroundings by taking in
pellets (proved by the own, since we dont have something to break down grass
or stuff like that to useable fuel) and react chemicaly with something in the
the bot stomach. The energy (basically making a battery out of the stomach)
can be used to run the bot and if and when it gets extra energy it can charge
up some caps (fat basically) for later use. So the goal would be to get an
analogue robot to identify its food and consume it and move on to find more
food. Sounds like almost every insect to me.
11403 Mon, 6 Mar 2000 05:21:07 -0800 [alt-beam] Re: MicroCore vs. BiCore "Dennison Bertram"
Eh, your kinda close with that definition, but there is some crucial
elements that are missing. There is only one TYPE, that is the 'microcore'.
The microcore actually referes to any number of Nv elements chained
together. The standard Microcore that you see controlling two motor walkers
typically are Four Neuron microcores. The bicore on the other hand is a two
neuron microcore. Both Bicores and Microcores can be oriented in
Master/Slave arrangements. (A Master/Slave microcore's benifits aren't
understood, and it becomes massively complicated). You can chain as many
Nv's together as you want. In addition, in the master/slave arrangement you
can supposidly chain as many together as you want.
The feedback issue is a debateable one. There is some feedback for sure, but
the nature of this feedback isn't agreed upon. Currently the bicore is just
used more often because it happens to suit the situation better and has some
other advantages in it's design. You could make a walker with a twelve Nv
microcore if you wanted. The microcore can move multiple motors at once, it
depends on your design. I'd recomnd that you breadboard up the circuit's and
play with them so you can see how they work. A good schematic site is:
Bicore - Ocillates (+) and (-). Master/Slave howevermany needed sets of two,
slave syncs to the Ocillation of the master? you can link as many slaves as
you want
Microcore - Ocillates (+) and (-) according to motor feedback (how can this
be?)? No master/slave can be set only one set of however many needed, 4 Nvs
(Nu? whatever) create walking motion, occilates between the four.
Please correct me, I'm not an expert on IC's (I'm only in high school after
all). So then why is the bicore the seemingly perfered circuit, i see that
is quite flexible and understand that the microcore cant move multiple
at once, but wouldn't the microcore be better if it truely gets motor feed
back? And also, how does the microcore recieve this feed back, is it because
of current drain due to resistance to the shaft? I'm quite confused here, if
you could even just point me to a web page it'd be greatly appreciated!