Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #11364
From: "Timothy Flytch"
Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2000 08:50:29 PST
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: escaps = escapes???
Re: escaps
Why would an escape be any different than a servo... they are in essence the
same thing... Motor and gears...Ê escapes were servos before digital
proportional was usable...
Ops... sorry Steve... didn't answer your question...
It would all depend on what size motor is used in the escape...
Ê> Ê Hello,
>ÊÊÊ So escaps wouldnt need a motor driver right. Could run right from a
11365 Sun, 05 Mar 2000 10:11:39 -0700 [alt-beam] Re: Pager motor troubles Flaming Headphones
>The motor was working before you put the heatshrink on?
Yeah, I think so. I'm pretty sure I saw it spin a few times while I was
messing with the trimpot, and I know for a fact it went when I had it on
the breadboard (That's the whole point of breadboarding for me, to make
sure things work! :-)
>What did you use to shrink the heat shrink?
My Mom's cigarette lighter.
>Check if the shaft still rotates, if not there may be a little nylon bearing
>or washer that has melted and effectiveley glued up the motor.
I checked, and it still rotates freely.
>how much heat did you apply?, too much and you may have cooked the
>windings, or the coating off the windings.
I kept the main part of the flame about 1cm (I have no idea what that is in
other measurement systems) from the shaft, but there was a little wisp of
flame that did touch the washers occasionally (through the heatshrink, that
I think you may be right, I might have cooked the windings, because I just
checked my motor, and when I pulled on the shaft, like you would to check
for slop, I could hear a slight scratching, scraping sound. I checked my
other motor, the good one, no sound.
>use a multi meter and check to see if the motor winding is open circut
To bad I don't have a multimeter.... I am thinking of getting one soon, and
>try connecting the motor directly to a supply of power, make sure that if
>its a 1.5 volt motor you only supply it with 1.5volts.
Nope, tried that....
>Hope this was of some help
I think we've got the problem. I bet your right about the windings. It
seems to fit the scenario.
Mike, AKA Flaming Headphones
ICQ: 17940917