Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #11252

From: "Phillip A. Ryals"
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 16:31:42 +1100
Subject: RE: WARNING hacker are everywere...

> Just remember..
> This is a tale of *cracking*, not hacking. They're two completely
> mindsets, and it's best to keep them seperate when you refer to them. I
> hate to be technical, but I guess it strikes a bad chord with me. :)
> One other thing, this really doesn't even look like a case of cracking.
> They mention that they're connected to two phone lines, but that doesn't
> make any difference. If the modems aren't set to auto-answer (and most
> aren't) then no one can use them as a form of entry. The only choice then
> would be to hit the computer when it's online. The problem there is, the
> MacOS is inherently VERY secure. It's this way because you can't hack or
> crack it with a text console. The text console is the main medium for
> hackers/crackers to use because most are running some variant of UNIX.
> >> My (Main Drive) disappeared from the my desk top and had to be re-
> >>configured... So it was able to be re-read but when recovered there was
> >>not a Meg of data left on either of my 2 x 6 Meg drives.
> Instead, it sounds as if they had a hard drive problem. It went down, and
> as soon as they got it back it was blank? First of all, it sounds like
> data got wiped when the drive was "re-configured." And since they
> to their drives as 2 x 6 Meg, I imagine they wouldn't realize this.
> I'm not saying that it isn't a crack, it just doesn't seem likely in their
> situation.
> Sorry for the offtopic rant everyone...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Timothy Flytch
> Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 12:29 PM
> To:;
> Subject: Fw: WARNING hacker are everywere...
> I got this today... and thought with the resent hackings this was
> to send on...
> I hope you will quickly read it before deleting...
> Timothy...
> >>From: "Karen Lyster"
> >>Reply-To: "UFO Scotland"
> >>To: "2reality" <>
> >>Subject: [UFOscotland] Fw: WARNING To all Computer Owners & Publishing
> >>Businesses
> >>Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 18:53:45 +1300
> >>
> >>UFO Scotland -
> >>
> >>WARNING To all Computer Owners & Publishing Businesses
> >>----- Original Message -----
> >>From: The Keith Basterfield Network Australasia
> >>To: ; ;Abduction
> >>Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 5:15 PM
> >>Subject: WARNING To all Computer Owners & Publishing Businesses
> >>
> >>
> >>The Keith Basterfield Network Australasia -
> >>
> >>
> >>WARNING To all Computer Owners & Publishing Businesses
> >>
> >>
> >>We never thought it would happen to our
> >>Mac G3 Computers
> >>But it did
> >>
> >>
> >> !We got hacked! and it could happen to you, we lost all our Magazine
> >>info and all our UFO data off 2 ...Separate Computers Systems ... Each
> >>computer was hooked up to 2 separate phone lines... Data was kept on
> >>computers on alternative drives "for protection ha!!! "WRONG"
> >>
> >>
> >> If you have a Any type of computer and you think your safe from
> >>!think again! Your not.
> >>
> >>
> >> We lost 4 years of publishing work in 20 minutes !GONE NOTHING LEFT!
> >>Robert lost the only typed copy of his UFO book which he had been
> >>working on for the past 15 years. It was gone in 15 minutes and there
> >>!Nothing! We could do to stop or save a thing.
> >>
> >>
> >> My (Main Drive) disappeared from the my desk top and had to be re-
> >>configured... So it was able to be re-read but when recovered there was
> >>not a Meg of data left on either of my 2 x 6 Meg drives.
> >>
> >>
> >> The same happened to Robert (Second Drive) !Nothing Was Recovered!
> >>from his 2 x 6 Meg drives. Years of work gone in 20 minutes
> >>
> >>
> >> If your in the publishing business.. the I only advise I can give you
> >>is to unplug your computer from any phone connection when your not on
> >>net. Think about it "WE Recovered Nothing" years of work !GONE even
> >>being off line is NO protection the only protection is being
> >>This is the only safe way to stop these guys.
> >>
> >>
> >> We at Earthlink Publishing have now taken steps so this never happens
> >>again. I would recommend if you have taken the time to read this e-mail
> >>you act know. Never leave your system plugged in it could cost you your
> >>Business.
> >>
> >>
> >> Due to being hacked The Australasian UFOlogist Magazine & Exposure
> >>Magazine is running a little behind.
> >>
> >>
> >> To the Hacker "thanks for the lesson" !But you failed!. I had the
> >>foresight to do a backup text copy of both Magazines I may have had to
> >>many hours of formating text and re- doing all the layout again but we
> >>of the printers in the morning :>)
> >>
> >>
> >> To all subscribers we at Earthlink Publishing are so sorry for the
> >>inconvenience and the magazines will be in the mail soon after.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> ------
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> >>
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11253 Thu, 02 Mar 2000 00:20:56 -0500 [alt-beam] Motor efficiency test Marcus Cole Hello all.

How can i go about to find the specs of any DC motors? I think
i have to put a power source in series with the motor and the motor
plus my multimeter, which will give me the mA? What kind of voltage
sources should i use to do this test(if it is good) Any suggestions
are welcome, thanks in advance.

Marcus g. Cole

11254 Thu, 2 Mar 2000 16:40:04 +1100 Re: Sockets instead of PCB "Richard Piotter"
> I usualy take a pair of 14 pin DIP sockets and use them to plug my
> 74HCT240s into them. I solder my components to the bottom. I have a tiny
> Unicore that fits directly under the chip. I attach pins or sockets
> depending on what I want to be able to plug into it. All freeformed.
> Pretty simple!
> Placing pin sockets next to each other is a very excelent idea as well!
> sounds cool!
> Also, has there been any thoughts to the single Nv/Nu boards??? That
> seemingly dropped out of existence. I was realy hoping something would
> happen with those!
> wrote:
> >
> > Who here loves to dabble with PCB layout? I sure don't, i just plain
think it
> > can be a nusiance to deal with at times, plus its a pain to replace
> > polarized caps when you fry the circuit. heres what i did (this is just
> > handy idea for anybody who doesn't enjoy PCB work or doesn't have the
> > but hasn't thought of this already). I'm usin the almost complete walker
> > schematic so if so you might need to alter some numbers when you use
> > Take 2 x 20 pin sockets and 2 x 18 pin sockets. use one 20pin socket and
> > an 18 pin to its side. then take and place your components, other than
> > HCT240 IC, and put them all the way down the 18 pin socket, there should
> > 11 components but put in the ones in that will be easier to work with
> > now. solder all the connections so they correspond with the circuit,
like you
> > would do with a perf board. now, cut the second 18 pin socket in half,
so you
> > have two seperate rows of nine, cut down one so you have six pins in a
> > glue this little guy to the other side of the 20 pin, now hook (+) and
(-) to
> > two of those pins, and hook the 4 motor outputs to the other 4 pins. now
> > the other row that you cut, and cut it down to about seven, this is
where you
> > put your storage cap and resistor for the reverser part of the almost
> > complete walker. if you are usin a ALS245 motor driver, you can glue
that in
> > place at the butt of all these sockets and solder that in accordingly.
> > you have all that in place, you'll have a nice compact "brain" for your
> > walker! this makes it easy to replace parts so you can experiment with
> > values.
> >
> > -Spencer
> --
> Richard Piotter The Richfiles Robotics & TI web page:
> -- Make Money by Simply Surfing the Net or responding to E-Mail!!!
> -- Click below!!!
