Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #11220
From: Richard Piotter
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 15:55:14 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re:
Buy one from Radio Shack and you can also have it disconnect your phone
while you are online, you you don't cut your connection when you forget
you're online! :)
Timothy Flytch wrote:
> Hay is there an inventor/marketer out there that wants to make a fast
> buck??? bring to market a simple box switch that double sided tapes to the
> side or front of a computer that has an (in) and (out) port for a phone
> jack... makes disconnection from the net as simple as flicking a switch...
> and its right next to the power switch on the computer...
> Just send me one as my commission OK...
> Timothy...
> ______________________________________________________
11221 Wed, 1 Mar 2000 17:08:34 EST [alt-beam] New Page Hi All,
For those interested, I just posted a new page on the recent Robot Rally.
There is a link on the BEAMART page, Atlanta Robot Rally 2000, that will go
to the page.
See ya,
ICQ# 55657870
11222 Wed, 01 Mar 2000 15:18:49 -0700 [alt-beam] Re: WARNING hacker are everywere... Robert Stein At 03:20 PM 3/1/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Just remember..
>This is a tale of *cracking*, not hacking. They're two completely different
>mindsets, and it's best to keep them seperate when you refer to them. I
>hate to be technical, but I guess it strikes a bad chord with me. :)
I agree. ...besides ever hear of a backup?
11223 Wed, 1 Mar 2000 05:15:55 -0800 [alt-beam] Re: Ah! The Fallacies of walker..... "Dennison Bertram" Wow, ok. That's a pretty, uh, curt message. First one quick thing, It's
Second, escaps are extremely expensive motors. You'll have to find out where
you can buy them yourself. You'll also have to find what surplus place sells
them yourself. As they are not a 'regular' item. They are very rare. As to
how they work, it's not such a mystery. They are just motors. In terms of
where they are used, just image any old motor, and then imagine it says,
"escap" on the side. The best site to see *Tilden's* work would be
>Well occationally I come by a pair of escaps at surplus places, thats
what are escaps whare can i buy, what suplus and whare can i see how they
work and are used. also what is the best site to see tilsens stuff
>all his motors are correct? So just to clarify, a bot running of escaps
>should be able to run off a micorecore without a motor driver, same with
>master slave bicore right?
11224 Wed, 1 Mar 2000 05:15:58 -0800 [alt-beam] Re: Avoid passing these things on.WARNING hacker are everywere... "Dennison Bertram"
Hey, no hard feelings, but this really isn't of any use on the BEAM list.
First of all, the likelyhood that the story happened as it was written is so
small it's ridiculous. They probably just fudged something themselves. You
don't just get 'hacked' because your plugged into the phone socket. Anyway,
it's always interesting to see what people pass on.
I got this today... and thought with the resent hackings this was pertinent
to send on...
I hope you will quickly read it before deleting...
>>From: "Karen Lyster"
>>Reply-To: "UFO Scotland"
>>To: "2reality" <>
>>Subject: [UFOscotland] Fw: WARNING To all Computer Owners & Publishing
>>Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 18:53:45 +1300
>>UFO Scotland -
>>WARNING To all Computer Owners & Publishing Businesses
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: The Keith Basterfield Network Australasia
>>To: ; ;Abduction
>>Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 5:15 PM
>>Subject: WARNING To all Computer Owners & Publishing Businesses
>>The Keith Basterfield Network Australasia -
>>WARNING To all Computer Owners & Publishing Businesses
>>We never thought it would happen to our
>>Mac G3 Computers
>>But it did
>> !We got hacked! and it could happen to you, we lost all our Magazine
>>info and all our UFO data off 2 ...Separate Computers Systems ... Each
>>computer was hooked up to 2 separate phone lines... Data was kept on both
>>computers on alternative drives "for protection ha!!! "WRONG"
>> If you have a Any type of computer and you think your safe from hackers
>>!think again! Your not.
>> We lost 4 years of publishing work in 20 minutes !GONE NOTHING LEFT!
>>Robert lost the only typed copy of his UFO book which he had been
>>working on for the past 15 years. It was gone in 15 minutes and there was
>>!Nothing! We could do to stop or save a thing.
>> My (Main Drive) disappeared from the my desk top and had to be re-
>>configured... So it was able to be re-read but when recovered there was
>>not a Meg of data left on either of my 2 x 6 Meg drives.
>> The same happened to Robert (Second Drive) !Nothing Was Recovered!
>>from his 2 x 6 Meg drives. Years of work gone in 20 minutes
>> If your in the publishing business.. the I only advise I can give you
>>is to unplug your computer from any phone connection when your not on the
>>net. Think about it "WE Recovered Nothing" years of work !GONE even
>>being off line is NO protection the only protection is being disconnected.
>>This is the only safe way to stop these guys.
>> We at Earthlink Publishing have now taken steps so this never happens
>>again. I would recommend if you have taken the time to read this e-mail
>>you act know. Never leave your system plugged in it could cost you your
>> Due to being hacked The Australasian UFOlogist Magazine & Exposure
>>Magazine is running a little behind.
>> To the Hacker "thanks for the lesson" !But you failed!. I had the
>>foresight to do a backup text copy of both Magazines I may have had to do
>>many hours of formating text and re- doing all the layout again but we are
>>of the printers in the morning :>)
>> To all subscribers we at Earthlink Publishing are so sorry for the
>>inconvenience and the magazines will be in the mail soon after.
>>To unsubscribe, write to
>>Enter to win $1000 at!
>>What else do you want to win? If you want cash, gourmet foods, palm
>>pilots, and other great prizes don't look any further than
>>! We've got what you want. Check it out at:
>>To unsubscribe, write to
>>Enter to win $1000 at!
>>What else do you want to win? If you want cash, gourmet foods, palm
>>pilots, and other great prizes don't look any further than
>>! We've got what you want. Check it out at:
11225 Wed, 01 Mar 2000 16:45:50 -0600 [alt-beam] Re: Silicon Cell report Richard Piotter Can you solder to the shattered pieces. I have 4 panels in cases. All
from the Rat Shack, and ALL DIFFERENT!!!
Sone have horizontal lines, some vertical, and one has a grid of them,
about 160 to be exact, but I think it's for better collection of
current. (more surface area touching conductor). 2 of those have the
solder terminal linibng the lenth of the short side, and the other 2
lining the full lenth of the long side.
Radio Shack's consistency over the years in these panels seems non
existent! still, as long as you split it with the solderable contact
down the middle, you might be able to do this I personaly would just use
a diamond cutting bit to do the job. They shouldn't be too dificult to
find. I'm not so certain I want to cut those anyway though. It'd be very
dificult to cut the ones that have the positive terminal on the short
side. I'm almost afraid to mess with it! you must also consider cutting
following the conductive strips wrote:
> I had five bucks lyin' around and really wanted to check out these solar
> cells, hey if your only buyin a couple its cheaper to do it without shipping
> charges. These cells are 2 x 4 cm and the width of a sheet of paper, they're
> really really thin! the cells have a positive strip which runs along the
> bottom edge of each side, front negative, back positive. the output is .45v
> at .3A not mA. here is where the fun is, lets make the cell just enough to
> operete a 1381J or L, but with still enough current to make it worthy of
> being used in place of a sunceram (which still rock the house). which brings
> me to my question, is amperage directly related to surface area, y=kx. I
> would believe so, but don't want to try it out for myself. as for voltage,
> the voltage of the cell, when split up, would multiply by the number of
> segments where s is #segments and .45 is votage meaning VDC = .45s? see what
> i'm sayin, i put it algebraiclly for all you left brain people whomever that
> may be. anyways, back to the usage of the cell, these would make cool cells
> for a pvore, but what needs to be done is have a mount for it, something flat
> so the cell won't break. They come in one of those nifty little plastic
> cases, which makes me think ROBOT IDEA! if all my above asumtions are
> correct, break the cell into 6 segments, hook 'em in a series, mount them to
> the inside of the clear plastic container, mount the circuitry on the inside,
> put the large cap on the outsid and mount motors on the outside. sorry for
> being lengthy but i thought i'd give you the whole story.
> -Spencer
Richard Piotter The Richfiles Robotics & TI web page:
-- Make Money by Simply Surfing the Net or responding to E-Mail!!!
-- Click below!!!
11226 Wed, 01 Mar 2000 23:13:01 GMT [alt-beam] Re: Silicon Cell report "Mike Kulesza" >is amperage directly related to surface area, y=kx?
Yes, and the material that the cell is made of. Each material has its own I
= LW line.
I = current
L = length
W= width
11227 Wed, 01 Mar 2000 23:25:01 GMT [alt-beam] magbot wings for everyone "Mike Kulesza"
Here's an attachment of my monarch butterfly magbot wings.
I cut off the wings, and angled them forward on the bot; it looks better.
Compare the picture here, and the one of my magbot at:
You'll see that mine has the wings rotated forward (looking from top: right
wing counter-clockwise, left clockwise) about their roots in the magbot
Get Your Private, Free Email at
Attachment: monarch1.jpg