Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #11210
From: "Timothy Flytch"
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 12:50:18 PST
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Radio shack solar panels
Xacto knife??? maybe to lightly score it???... think GLASS... shattering...
splintering... glass... only it is really a thin wafer of silicon... about
.003inch... I still find shards occasionally... it's been over ten years!!!
>How about splitting the solar cell with an Xacto knife? I never tried it
11211 Wed, 1 Mar 2000 15:53:41 EST [alt-beam] Re: Hey! What's this thingy? The only realistic alternative is using a FLED SE, but for what you gain in
convenience you lose in effeciency! I have however read some mail about a
FLED style SE that works quite well. the best way to get a new circuit
without crummy parts that you don't want to buy is to make a circuit
yourself, however difficult that may be. I just get myself a big shipment of
junk from digikey about every month or so. i broke down after months of
searching for parts locally.
11212 Wed, 01 Mar 2000 13:05:59 PST [alt-beam] No Subject, "Timothy Flytch" Hay is there an inventor/marketer out there that wants to make a fast
buck??? bring to market a simple box switch that double sided tapes to the
side or front of a computer that has an (in) and (out) port for a phone
jack... makes disconnection from the net as simple as flicking a switch...
and its right next to the power switch on the computer...
Just send me one as my commission OK...
11213 Thu, 02 Mar 2000 08:15:31 +1100 [alt-beam] Re: FRED schematic "Ben Hitchcock"
>From: Robert Stein
>Subject: FRED schematic
>Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 7:46
> Could someone please post the location of the most current FRED
> schematic. Thanks!
> Robert
11214 Wed, 1 Mar 2000 15:20:56 -0800 Fw: WARNING hacker are everywere...; []On
I got this today... and thought with the resent hackings this was pertinent
to send on...
I hope you will quickly read it before deleting...
>>From: "Karen Lyster"
>>Reply-To: "UFO Scotland"
>>To: "2reality" <>
>>Subject: [UFOscotland] Fw: WARNING To all Computer Owners & Publishing
>>Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 18:53:45 +1300
>>UFO Scotland -
>>WARNING To all Computer Owners & Publishing Businesses
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: The Keith Basterfield Network Australasia
>>To: ; ;Abduction
>>Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 5:15 PM
>>Subject: WARNING To all Computer Owners & Publishing Businesses
>>The Keith Basterfield Network Australasia -
>>WARNING To all Computer Owners & Publishing Businesses
>>We never thought it would happen to our
>>Mac G3 Computers
>>But it did
>> !We got hacked! and it could happen to you, we lost all our Magazine
>>info and all our UFO data off 2 ...Separate Computers Systems ... Each
>>computer was hooked up to 2 separate phone lines... Data was kept on both
>>computers on alternative drives "for protection ha!!! "WRONG"
>> If you have a Any type of computer and you think your safe from hackers
>>!think again! Your not.
>> We lost 4 years of publishing work in 20 minutes !GONE NOTHING LEFT!
>>Robert lost the only typed copy of his UFO book which he had been
>>working on for the past 15 years. It was gone in 15 minutes and there was
>>!Nothing! We could do to stop or save a thing.
>> My (Main Drive) disappeared from the my desk top and had to be re-
>>configured... So it was able to be re-read but when recovered there was
>>not a Meg of data left on either of my 2 x 6 Meg drives.
>> The same happened to Robert (Second Drive) !Nothing Was Recovered!
>>from his 2 x 6 Meg drives. Years of work gone in 20 minutes
>> If your in the publishing business.. the I only advise I can give you
>>is to unplug your computer from any phone connection when your not on the
>>net. Think about it "WE Recovered Nothing" years of work !GONE even
>>being off line is NO protection the only protection is being disconnected.
>>This is the only safe way to stop these guys.
>> We at Earthlink Publishing have now taken steps so this never happens
>>again. I would recommend if you have taken the time to read this e-mail
>>you act know. Never leave your system plugged in it could cost you your
>> Due to being hacked The Australasian UFOlogist Magazine & Exposure
>>Magazine is running a little behind.
>> To the Hacker "thanks for the lesson" !But you failed!. I had the
>>foresight to do a backup text copy of both Magazines I may have had to do
>>many hours of formating text and re- doing all the layout again but we are
>>of the printers in the morning :>)
>> To all subscribers we at Earthlink Publishing are so sorry for the
>>inconvenience and the magazines will be in the mail soon after.
>>To unsubscribe, write to
>>Enter to win $1000 at!
>>What else do you want to win? If you want cash, gourmet foods, palm
>>pilots, and other great prizes don't look any further than
>>! We've got what you want. Check it out at:
>>To unsubscribe, write to
>>Enter to win $1000 at!
>>What else do you want to win? If you want cash, gourmet foods, palm
>>pilots, and other great prizes don't look any further than
>>! We've got what you want. Check it out at:
11215 Wed, 1 Mar 2000 11:52:17 -0600 [alt-beam] Re: Hay I rezent that remark!!! Ben A Micklin Try on of the assasin robots from Star Wars.
Send it to te Cable company "TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER .....BUZZZ..... GIVE
One of these robots would be great to scare the heck out of the annoying
TU electric guy who hops you fence and stands on your a/c unit. (when I
was in Arlington I had a guy who did that-let out my friend's dogs, ended
up costing him (My friend) 500$) stupid meter checker )
On Wed, 01 Mar 2000 10:12:23 -0500 George Rix writes:
> > and i love my round mouse... after I put a drop of glue on the
> friont...
> I'm another one of the few who find them fine :)
> Peace!
> -- Rob
> And hey, has anyone made a bot that can make your cable company
> support
> cablemodems?
> Phoo...
> This e-mail will self-destruct.
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11216 Wed, 01 Mar 2000 15:47:19 -0600 [alt-beam] Re: Fw: WARNING (morons) are everywere... (Bill Richman)
I'll bet it was the government that did it, in a secret plot with the
aliens, who wanted their existence kept secret!
Sheesh! What's with these people? Have they never heard of a hard drive
crash? I haven't been writing a novel for 20 years, and I *still* make tape
backups of my stuff on a regular basis! If this is even a true story, it
sounds like they're the same type of people who drive without seatbelts and
then sue everybody when they hit a tree and get thrown through the
windshield. Sounds more like digital natural selection than a tragedy to
me. If you're not smart enough to make backups of your irreplaceable data,
you deserve what you get. (Stored on two separate machines? Never heard of
a fire? Flood? Tornado? Make tape backups regularly, and SEND THEM OFF
entrust a bunch of work to a machine without understanding enough about it
to protect their work from being lost. So much for the friendly Mac...>
Bill Richman
(Home of the COSMAC Elf
microcomputer simulator!)