Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #11092

Date: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 06:54:59 EST
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Magbot tech.

Could you maybe post the butterfly kit on your website? I like to see how
it's built/works. Thanks


11093 Tue, 29 Feb 2000 06:45:02 -0500 [alt-beam] Re: Voltage Multiplication John Bachman I am afraid that you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Or, more appropriately between low volts and low power.

If there is no other power source (a reasonable assumption for a solar powered unit) then you have only the power of the panel to work with. 1 volt at 250 ma is 1/4 watt. Any scheme other than more panels that results in increased voltage will also produce less current as the power available is limited by the panel. If you came up with a way to get 5 volts (a switched mode DC-DC converter could do it) that was 100% efficient (unrealistic) you would have only 50 ma available. A more realistic efficiency at these voltage levels would be around 40% meaning that you would have only 20ma available - cannot do much with 20ma.

4 more panels would get you to 5 volts at 250 ma.

Sorry about that, but it is what it is.


At 04:38 PM 2/28/00 , you wrote:
>Im using some low voltage high current solar panels
>thay are rated at 1volt 250ma and work prety well
>however there is little that can be done with 1 volt
>and connecting multiple cells up in this case is not
>an option.
>Has anyone managed to built a voltage multiplication
>I was even thinking about building a small osilator with
>a "Major Henry" coil attached and using the back EMF?
>(maybe use a smaler inductor on a ferrite bead).
>Any thoughts?
>Andrew Hooper
