Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #10881
From: Timothy Flytch
Date: Saturday, 26 February 2000 9:09
Subject: Eloquence
>I'd like to introduce a new term... An old friend and I developed it's
>definition long ago so we could quantify ideas... The term is eloquent...
>simply put there in NO true eloquent thing... but some approach it more
>Eloquence is: utter simplicity... least material to do the job... free...
>has a unique beauty... pure in form and function... has no added non
>functioning parts...
>I liken it to going to a piano recital... I can't tell if a part was played
>perfectly but I can definitely tell when it was not...
>some of Mark T. bots have it... but most don't...
>webster says it's as...
>Main Entry: el.o.quent
>Pronunciation: -kw&nt
>Function: adjective
>Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin eloquent-,
>eloquens, from present participle of eloqui to speak out, from e- + loqui
>Date: 14th century
>1 : marked by forceful and fluent expression
>2 : vividly or movingly expressive or revealing
>- adverb
10882 Fri, 25 Feb 2000 17:04:43 -0700 (MST) [alt-beam] Re: Eloquence Don Papp On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, Timothy Flytch wrote:
> I'd like to introduce a new term... An old friend and I developed it's
> definition long ago so we could quantify ideas... The term is eloquent...
I hate to be picky, but I'll do it anyway. This concept
doubtlessly predates you and your friend. You should not be taking
credit. 20+ years in technical field(s), and you and your friend never
ran across the (existing) idea?