Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #10836
From: Bruce Robinson
Date: Friday, 25 February 2000 11:58
Subject: Re: BEAMLAND and Solarbotics bring you 'Bot of the Week'...
>"Feser, Jason" wrote:
>> Anyone else think that a weekly feature and a monthly winner is
>> too often?
>From the viewer's perspective, the weekly/monthly feature is OK, as long
>as activity is sufficiently high.
>What about from the site manager's perspective. Are you going to be as
>enthused about this after doing 52 interviews in a year? In the long
>run, it won't be much fun for the viewers if you burn out trying to
>manage all this.
>More to the point, will the BEAM community be able to sustain this level
>of activity? Sure, lots of people have many 'bots they could enter, but
>after you've interviewed someone for the Nth time, it'll probably start
>to get a little stale.
>Perhaps a slightly different format ... interview every month, with a
>weekly heated e-mail debate between the contestents about the merits of
>their designs :) Just throwing out ideas.