Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #10719

Date: Wednesday, 23 February 2000 3:06
Subject: Re: BEAM: Tendency toward miniaturization

>In a message dated 2/22/00 10:20:05 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
>> Then a natural question would be : !why! do we want these machines? What
>> problems are they going to solve? What tasks are they going to perform?
>> are they going to augment the premises of what we do? How are they going
>> make our lives easier and better?
>I think it's more like when you ask a climber why he climbs mountains. Of
>course the answer is because it's there. As to the rest of your questions,
>think we'll just have to wait and see. These same exact questions creep up
>when any future tech is discussed i.e., cloning, nuclear power, television,
>the automobile. The questions seem to be only answered in hind site.
>> > Fact is, if it can
>> > be done, it
>> > will be.
>> Unfortunately I agree on this. Point is, this fact disregards questions
>> the value of what we are doing. We tend to create something to which we
>> eventually find a use. If we are to take on the challenge of creating
>> capable biomorphic creatures we have to question the premises of our
>> In the end that is what will lead to higher expressions of quality.
>That's a grandiose view of reality in my opinion. Nothing is done using
>guidelines. I wish they were, but they aren't. Bruce reminded me lately
>most of what is produced and becomes common is usually not the best or most
>quality use of the ideas. I know that scientists and engineers see the
>this way, but reality is more of a quagmire of hidden agendas and greed.
>> At times we seem to have a blind faith that technology in itself will
>> all of our problems. If we could just get faster computation we could
>> neural net that would be just as complex as our brain. Technology has
>> solved !any! problem on its own. It is the application of technology
>> solves problems.
>Well, yes I agree. But, technology in and of itself has it's roots in
>violence. The first use of technology was simple weapons and tools to
>simplify hunting and killing. Some of our greatest advancements come from
>military applications. And, by the way, you do realize where Mr. Tilden
>to work each day. No, solving problems is a side benefit of the true nature
>of technology. In truth, technology is advanced through greed (Microsoft)
>and violence (particle physics and Mr. Tilden's paycheck so he can eat and
>can peak at what he's doing) (I'm speaking generally here). I find this a
>little depressing at times, but it doesn't change the nature of man. All we
>can hope for really is to scrape enough benefit off the edges to get by.
>I just thank God that Mr. Tilden occasionally exposes enough edge to scrape
>> > It may well be that the created must inherently create.
>> If you are to suggest that we as a biological phenomenon are to replace
>> ourselves with an alternate organism - electronic or biological - I'd
>> we would be just about the only creatures to do so ever. In the entire
>> universe.
>Unless of course you are one of the believers in a dead God. Not to mention
>that covering the entire universe in that statement includes everything
>beyond Neptune, which we know little to nothing about yet. It could also be
>said that we are just destined to do so if you consider the amount of
>we have already done to the environment that we need in order to survive. I
>mean, how far fetched is it to consider that because of greed and violence,
>machine may one day be built that will take our place. Whether we like it
>not. A machine that can survive holes in the ozone and unbreathable air. I
>just had an image of a world populated by inert automobiles because their
>creators asphyxiated on the exhaust fumes. What would big headed gray
>think upon setting foot on such a world :)?
>See ya,
>ICQ# 55657870
