Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #10524

From: Laura Malinowski Laura/Rob Malinowski
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2000 17:15:05 -0800
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: what is it?

I believe in the Feb. issue of Nuts and Volts magazine there is a blurb
about those numbers and how to identify (at least the manufacturer) and
locate those ic's. Usually you can link to the manufacturer through an
electronic parts web site to aquire the data sheet (i.e.
Good luck.
Rob M.

Aaron Letts wrote:

> When you take apart a piece of electronics, often
> there are integrated circuits in it. They all have
> some numbers and stuff on the top. I was wondering if
> there is a place to go, or a way to find out what each
> one does. I am assuming that the number on the top of
> them is an identification number.
> Thanks for the help,
> Aaron
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