Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #10468

From: Jean auBois
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 02:01:51 -0500
Subject: BEAM: Tendency toward miniaturization

> Isn't it odd that people are building smaller and smaller devices that are
> often more and more fragile? If there was ever a field that is moving
> toward nanotechnology, this would be the one.
> However, I find it sort of discouraging that the larger projects aren't
> doing very well. Mr. Tilden reported that some people wanted to make his
> Lampbot go faster so they upped the voltage, burning out a lot of stuff
> (um... everything?) And he said that he wanted Roswell to walk in the
> parade at Telluride but had horrid motor problems.
> I don't think it is because we _can't_ control bigger things with BEAM
> technology -- perhaps it is just easier to build smaller things that work
> fairly well.
> Just food for thought.
> jab
