Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #10318

From: Ben Hitchcock
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 13:50:46 +1100 (EST)
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: beamland going's on...

Wow, that webcam is pretty cool.

I have looked at this page on moth my iMac at home, and the PC here at
work, and both times the autorefresh doesn't seem to work very well. I
managed to bypass this by not going through the proxy and refreshing the
image manually, but couldn't use this method at work. Oh well.

One thing I thought of, however:
How about people 'mail in' their bots to the RJP?

I reckon I could scrounge together a robot that I wouldn't mind donating
to the cause. Maybe Solarbotics could host the page. How about that,
Dave? A RJP with all your BEAM creations duking it out live online? I
bet that would increase the traffic through solarbotics! And people could
either donate their robots period or send enough postage to send them back
after a while.

Hey now the idea train is rolling...
For the next competition you could just put all the robots in the one
arena, and have visitors 'vote' on which robot is the best!


Just an idea,

10319 Wed, 16 Feb 2000 23:01:21 -0400 [alt-beam] Re: beamland going's on... (Michael Hirtle) I am also having a problem with my computer and the web cam The bots don't
move after the reload, I watched it for 3 hours and nothing happened. An error
message also comes up after ten min of watching the cam too.

Ben Hitchcock wrote:

> Wow, that webcam is pretty cool.
> I have looked at this page on moth my iMac at home, and the PC here at
> work, and both times the autorefresh doesn't seem to work very well. I
> managed to bypass this by not going through the proxy and refreshing the
> image manually, but couldn't use this method at work. Oh well.
