Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #10297

From: Dane Gardner
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 14:55:48 -0500
Subject: RE: pdiode ptransistor?

> Actually a transistor is two diodes back to back. You might (I've never
> tried) be able to use the photo-transistor as a photodiode by only using
> of the pins. The drain and either the collector or the anode should
> work...but you have to be sure of the direction... so just test it. :)
> Dane Gardner
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of William Cox
> Subject: pdiode ptransistor?
> Frankly what IS the difference between a photodiode and a phototransistor?
> I'm using phototransistors in my pvore, and I'm not sure if it will work
> right.
> -William
