Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #10226

From: Bob
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 22:49:40 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: complete walker

Just some things to check. Make sure you 74HC14 is working. Also check to
see if you have Pin 1 on the 245 grounded so data flows from A to B. Also
look into the connection on Pin 19. It is the enable line that is enabled
on a low. It should be connected to the output of the schmitt inverter in
your nuetralization ckt(the one not in the inverter loop). Hope this helps
some. Ive got legs on my walker and halfway through the free forming
process. The ckt is breadboarded and has been working fine. Now all of a
sudden the reverser isn't working and the motors seem to not have the power
they used too. So I know how you feel. My problem is I dont have a lot of
time to dedicate to my robots. Later

At 08:23 PM 2/14/00 EST, you wrote:
>Can Ians complete walker circuit not work with a 74HC245 driver or
>Mine isnt working and its really pissing me off
