Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #10175

Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2000 18:12:21 EST
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Cool Idea Answers

Even if the solenoid isn't push, won't it still spring back, i'm pretty sure
the kind i'm getting (MPJA) are push, but to the best of my recollection
solenoids have a descent spring back, right?

10176 Sun, 13 Feb 2000 15:37:00 -0800 (PST) [alt-beam] Super BEAM Chat Max Inggal Since people are starting to get back to the idea of
BEAM chats at the Yahoo club. And it also seems we
got a whole new ruch of Newbies I would like to hold a
super chat at the BEAM RObotics Club on yahoo. It
will be held Sunday Feb. 20 2000 starting around
6:00pm eastern time. If you have any questions or
requests about moving the date or anything get back to
me off list.
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

10177 Sun, 13 Feb 2000 19:07:19 EST [alt-beam] Re: Cool Idea Answers I've had a few solenoids that I've used in different applications, those that
are the pull type don't have a decent spring back without some help...I've
either had to modify the solenoid with springs that push the amature back
out, or I've rigged up a small lever that pulls the amature back out with a
bit of oomph...for your little bot, if you get the pull type you'll probably
want to insert a spring return into it somehow...but you've gotta make sure
that there is going to be enough energy to compress the spring in the first
Just my thoughts

Even if the solenoid isn't push, won't it still spring back, i'm pretty sure
the kind i'm getting (MPJA) are push, but to the best of my recollection
solenoids have a descent spring back, right?


10178 Sun, 13 Feb 2000 19:06:52 -0500 Re: Cool Idea Answers []On
Even if the solenoid isn't push, won't it still spring back, i'm pretty sure
the kind i'm getting (MPJA) are push, but to the best of my recollection
solenoids have a descent spring back, right?
