Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #09919
From: Addy Yeow
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2000 22:20:13 -0500
Subject: Re: Tutorial
> i think you should make a tutorial on something that have never been done
> BEAM. what about flying BEAM bot!!!...yeah a machine that really fly and
> autonomous of course..if you can't do this i'm hoping someone out there
> could do it very soon...anyone
> >From: "Geoff Waters"
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Tutorial
> >Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 21:15:33 +0200
> >
> >Hi- I am thinking of making a tutorial for my site, but what should it
> >(Two motor) walker, Photovore, solaroller, symet, head? Any suggestions
> >to what i can make a tutorial on, anything that would be significant to
> >world of BEAM, something that somebody's never done before.
> >
> >Cheers
> >
> >Andrew Waters
> >Port Elizabeth
> >South Africa
> >e-mail:
> >Website:
> ______________________________________________________
9920 Tue, 8 Feb 2000 22:18:46 -0500 [alt-beam] Re: Snake robots "Dennison Bertram" Not a tutorial. And it depends on what type of snakebot you intend on
makeing. If your makeing a 'SNAKE BOT' a robot that looks and acts just like
a snake, you can check out various places including Jim Taylors website. He
has some really neat, (non beam) snakes. For a BEAM 'SNAKE BOT' check out
Solarbotics, and look at the robot gallery under turbots and check out the
lamprey. For the Mark Tilden Style snakebot check out
at solarbotics. It's a different type of robot, which has nothing really to
do with a snakes locomotion. It's a very neat robot, I've built two myself.
The trouble with them is, that it is very hard to aquire the right angle
gears nessesary for this type of robot.
does anybody have a good tutorial on how to make a snake robot? and also i
was wondering just how expensive how comlex and how many motors does it
Any replies are welcome, even if you just have a small insignifigant fact
about these bots
thanks very much!