Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #09763

From: "Tony Junior"
Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2000 08:06:31 CST
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: New Pictures of BCBug v1.1

Hey there what i the url to your club site i am interested

>From: "Dennison Bertram"
>Subject: New Pictures of BCBug v1.1
>Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 19:11:12 -0500
>Hey guy's I have some more pictures up at the Yahoo Clubs web site for all
>to see. It's of BCBug v1.1 (I don't really name my bots) It's a
>Bicore arrangement with '245 motor drivers and BGmicro motors. Someone sent
>me an e-mail asking me if the hextiles shown are the Mark Tilden Hextiles
>from Chiu's contest, the answer is no, (I only got sixth place!) But
>these were custom made, pricey to be sure, but abstaining from movies and
>going out for a few weeks was well worth it. Check it out! I added some
>nifty led's on the side of the bot to make him look neat. I tell you, can't
>beat the BGmicro. Questions?


9764 Fri, 4 Feb 2000 10:42:07 -0500 [alt-beam] Re: New Pictures of BCBug v1.1 "Dennison Bertram"

sign into the club and then go to photos, and then Dennison's Robots.

Hey there what i the url to your club site i am interested

>From: "Dennison Bertram"
>Subject: New Pictures of BCBug v1.1
>Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 19:11:12 -0500
>Hey guy's I have some more pictures up at the Yahoo Clubs web site for all
>to see. It's of BCBug v1.1 (I don't really name my bots) It's a
>Bicore arrangement with '245 motor drivers and BGmicro motors. Someone sent
>me an e-mail asking me if the hextiles shown are the Mark Tilden Hextiles
>from Chiu's contest, the answer is no, (I only got sixth place!) But
>these were custom made, pricey to be sure, but abstaining from movies and
>going out for a few weeks was well worth it. Check it out! I added some
>nifty led's on the side of the bot to make him look neat. I tell you, can't
>beat the BGmicro. Questions?


9765 Fri, 4 Feb 2000 08:27:10 -0800 (PST) [alt-beam] Master Slave bicore Max Inggal On a master/slave bicore the master can be a suspended
bicore and the slave could also be a modified
suspended bicore. Also can somone please tell me
where I could find a schem for a Master slave bicore.
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

9766 Fri, 4 Feb 2000 15:08:35 -0500 (EST) [alt-beam] Re: The 240 microcore - was Bicore question "Mark W. Tilden" Hi. If you try to "stuff" a 6Nv with more than three processes, you
get a four process "Hypersaturated" state where the pulses oscillate
around the core at rates in excess of 100kHz (.22uF couples, 1m resistors).

Fun, but tends to heat up motor drivers really fast. Fortunately it
can only happen with absolutely concurrent signal injection during a
transition step in a saturated 6Nv, so it's rare and hard to get to.



9767 Fri, 4 Feb 2000 16:43:24 -0500 [alt-beam] questions "BEAM" "William Cox" More questions:

1. I've got a SE up and running. Instead of using a voltage detector I'm
using diodes. I has a number of quirks. First off, the cap will only charge
up to the voltage supplied by the solar cell. If I use three diodes the SE
will trigger with a bright desk lamp about ~2ft away. Then if I put the desk
lamp about 10in away and substitute two diodes for one LED then I will
trigger sooner, faster, and better, but if I move the lamp away again it
won't trigger. I assume from these observation that a normal LED has a high
trigger voltage. Is this true? What type of drop does a FLED have? What is
the best setup for lower light levels?

2. MicroCore, BiCore (what's the difference anyway)... They work on an
oscillation. Right? So, if you hook some legs, then the legs will walk, but
everyone says that if the legs hit something the gait will change to
accommodate this. What changed IN THE CIRCUIT to make the oscillation
change?? Do you have to hook up the legs or something to a variable
resistor? I'm a bit confused.

3. Anyone wan to write an article about BEAM for my webpage?? :)

4. Can I use a phototransistor in a photovore instead of a diode? How do I
do it?

I'm sure I'll have more later....
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