Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #09608

Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 20:20:52 EST
Subject: [alt-beam] EASY 1381 QUESTION

HELP !!!

I'm new new to BEAM , I want to make a simple 1381 solar engine to start
BUT the 1381s I received had no documentation of what pins are 1,2,or 3
can someone please help a wanttabe BEAMER get started

thanks in advance for your help,


9609 Sat, 29 Jan 2000 01:43:58 GMT [alt-beam] Re: robot idea. "Mike Kulesza" >I'm thinking on building a walker... Anyone would tell me where can i
>get the diagrams and stuff from?.... I don't want to buy any kits, i
>want to build it by myself, from sctrach (well, with the schematics and
>instruction) because it would be my first robot.... Thanks.

Ahh... I also started off in beam and electronics with a walker... built 3
more after that...
On thing from experience: It cost be ALOT of trouble and money - mostly for
replacing parts, getting better ones etc... But thats learning from
experience - my next walkers were alot cheaper - almost free, and took a lot
less time to build.

Go to electronics stores, (never Radio Shack) to buy parts. Go to your local
garbage store - i got computer circuit boards, and drives, or about 6
quality stepper motors, or a nice answering machine with a good motor, and
some useful components for only a few bucks... (you buy stuff by weight. For
gearmotors - there are several online places... but have a look at the LEGO
micromotors... goto and find your local shop at home service.
Theyre real sleek 1 cm cubed motors, extremely efficient, and run at 32 rpm
at i think 9 V...$17.50 CAN shipping and handling included in price.

9610 Fri, 28 Jan 2000 21:26:49 -0500 FLED photovore question Beam Mailing List Thomas Pilgaard
> Hi all,
> I've gotta question primarily for Hitch Bencock :)
> On your FRED schema, using a "polarized" cap would negative go on the
> of the FLED?
> Thanks in advance,
> Thomas
> ---
> "You haven't had enough coffee until you can thread a moving sewing
> machine."
