Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #09306

From: "Dane Gardner"
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 08:25:56 -0800
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Interseting, additional idea..........................

Actually I have been playing with And gates lately. I was Boarding up a
circuit I saw on Chiu's site for a five motor walker. I didn't have any
4016's on hand...but I had a boxfull of And gates. So I tried them out. I
see no difference off-hand....But I need to play with it a little more. I
really need to hook it up to some legs. Unloaded motors dont cut it. Maybe
I should dust off the ol' osciloscope while I'm at it. I'll post any
findings when I get around to it.

I would be really interested in PLD's if it's possible to get them up and
running in that fasion. But life isn't that easy. Is it?



> writes:

> As for the BRAIN or central processor of the creature ~ Has anyone looked
> the possibility of useing AND/NAND gates as a make up for decision logic
> along with the RC timeing network of the inverter?
> Or replacing the inverter with a AND/NAND gate of the same type of
> construction.
> Maybe even X-OR/X-NOR circuits along this theme of RC timing?
> I havent had the time to play with a AND, NAND, XOR gate yet to see if it
> will exibit the same type of timing/reaction and operation/trigger on the
> rise of the RC charge as does the inverter commonly used in the NU/NV

> I also wonder if this will work along with a GAL or PLA for more complex
> logic.
