Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #09242
From: Wilf Rigter
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2000 19:26:53 -0800
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: D1
Blue LEDs have a 4V forward voltage drop! No wonder it glowed dimly. I will send
you a schematic for a D1 with a voltage doubler which will drive this kind of LED
from a low voltage solar cell.
wilf wrote:
> OK...I have been working with this...I get the same weird flickering not
> switching on affect with both the flat low current output style gold caps and
> the long skinny ones that are used for solar rollers, but when I hooked my
> o-scope up to it, it seemed to latch much better. The circuit work quite well
> with those very efficient SMD style LEDs from solarbotics, but anything else
> will barely glow. I was wanting to use this with a blue LED..that would be
> cool looking, but if i cant get it to run anything over 2mA then theres no way
> Steve