Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #09124

To: "beam mailing list"
From: "David Perry"
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 17:24:01 +1100
Subject: [alt-beam] microcore experimentation kit

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Now that this has been raised a few times i'd like to go into it further.

Isn't it a pain wiring up microcores? Using a 74hc14 chip is very cumbersom=

What if (as someone suggested) i reate a small circuit board complete with =
a single schmitt inverter and either a plug to put in your own resistor or =
an adjustable pot built in. Plus a plug to add your own hysteris. A SMD LED=
is on board. It would connect to a breadboard (or protoboard) with some PC=
B pins, a little like the BASIC STAMP. With this you could easily grab a fe=
w, plug them in, connect them in your own pattern an you have a microcore. =
Would people be intrested in such a thing? I could start a production of th=
em. Keep in mind though they may be rather expensive compared to buying a 1=
7HC14 and individual parts. This is just because the parts themselves are r=
ather expensive. (A single schmit inverter is 68 cents).


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a =

production of them. Keep in mind though they may be rather expensive compar=
ed to =

buying a 17HC14 and individual parts. This is just because the parts themse=
lves =

are rather expensive. (A single schmit inverter is 68 cents).

